Why managerial transformations crash against paradoxical injunctions?
Uncover the conflict between traditional leadership and the growing desire for collaboration, leading to a paradoxical mandate that erodes trust. The article offers practical insights on decentralizing power, promoting autonomy, and adopting an entrepreneurial spirit. Explore the keys to successful organizational change and a gain in collective performance. A must-read...
What is a Liberated Company, Really?
Discover the synthesis of pioneering research on the liberated company by Michèle El Khoury, Annabelle Jaouen, and Sylvie Sammut. Explore the distinctive criteria and nuances compared to models such as Holacracy and the Opal organization, and gain insights on how to integrate these innovative concepts into your organization. A must-read...
The NextGen Enterprise will rely on The New Work Operating System
The conventional approach of defining work via “jobs” and individuals as “jobholders” is becoming outdated. The contemporary business environment, driven by digitization and automation, demands a fresh approach to work structure: a "work without jobs" operating system for enhanced organizational agility. An article by Luc Bretones, Founder of NextGen
Prospects of a just transition
The ongoing environmental and societal transition calls for various unprecedentedtransformations (industrial, societal, technological, and environmental practices) andrepresents both a moral and strategic obligation. While the world is experiencing major andrapid changes, disadvantaged populations appear to be the most affected. An article by Luc Bretonesn, Founder of NextGen, Based on the...
People increasingly view themselves as “CEOs of Me”
Traditional models of full-time employment are becoming obsolete as new forms of work arrangements emerge, such as freelance work, contract work, “boomerang” employees who return after gaining experience elsewhere, and various talent-sharing models between organizations. Leaders are urged to adapt and focus on “leading the work,” regardless of who performs...
Manager absenteeism reaches an all-time high in 2023
Workplace absenteeism has reached record levels in France, with high rates among women, laborers, and in the healthcare sector. The IFOP study for Malakoff Humanis reveals that only 48% of employees believe they are in good mental and physical health. Managers are particularly affected. Employees and executives are calling for...
Interview of Radek Matuszewski by Luc Bretones
This interview highlights key concepts of shared governance, cultural transformation, and the challenges faced during the process. Radek MATUSZEWSKI initially worked in a company that didn't align with his values, ambitions, and had weak management. Frustration grew due to a lack of cooperation between the local team and the head...
Minimalism, Simplicity, Sobriety: the solutions for our organizations clogged with bad cholesterol
The major trend in global management that I observed in about thirty countries while writing my book "The Next Generation Enterprise" is moving towards more participation, more autonomy, and collaboration. By this, I mean organizational governance that decentralizes authority, develops autonomy and the accompanying responsibility, transparency, and the trust that...