Mastering Artificial Intelligence in Business: Tools and Strategies

You hear about AI every day. Unlike other "hypes" and buzzwords, AI can save you precious time starting today. Led by experts, this training offers a combination of theoretical lessons and practical exercises, allowing you to grasp the fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence and its use in your daily life.

Training objectives

Training informations

Understand the different typologies of AI, including generative and predictive IA.

Discover and learn to effectively use key AI tools

Explore concrete use cases of AI in a professional context

Target audience: Any professional looking to understand and apply AI in their work environment, regardless of their industry

Evaluation Methods: Quiz



Alternation between theory and practice

Use of real case studies

Group work to foster collaborative learning

Interactive and multimedia course support

 3 hours 30 (Half-day)

In-person, online or hybrid

500€ HT/ per person


Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Interactive discussion: expectations vs realities of AI

Discovering AI Tools

Integrating AI into Your Business Strategy

Generative vs. Predictive AI: concepts and differences.

Concrete examples and applications in the real world.

Interactive discussion: expectations vs realities of AI.

Part 1: Content Creation Tools (Chat GPT, DALL·E, Stable Diffusion, Beautiful.AI): Practical demonstrations + Small group workshops: generating content with these tools.

Part 2: Productivity and Analysis Tools (,, Perplexity, Tableau, Codex): Presentation of key features and use cases + Practical exercises: integrating these tools into daily workflows.

Part 3: Conversational and Experimental AI (Chat GPT, Mid Journey, LaMDA): Exploring possibilities and limitations. Simulation of interactions and creation of dialogue scripts.

How to identify opportunities for applying AI in your business.

Defining pilot projects and measuring impact.

Group discussion: sharing ideas and experiences.

Recap of key points – Question and answer session – Additional resources and next steps.

To register, please contact us