
Stefan has over two decades of experience in sustainability, brand, and communication strategy. He is the Head of Corporate Sustainability of Weleda AG and Weleda Group. In 2009, at the height of the banking crisis, Stefan founded the Ambulanz für neue Kommunikation (Clinic for Innovative Communication). As the Managing Director there he has advised companies, NGOs and the public sector on the interface between the following areas: responsibility and sustainability, identity and brand, communication and meaningful relationships.

Anita Klaver is the CHRO of Enreach, a European company in Cloud Communication. Enreach is a scaling company with currently 1200 employees in 15 countries and head quartered in The Netherlands. Enreach is formed by around 20 acquisitions over the last 4 years, and Anita is driving the implementation of Holacracy and aligned HR practices through this growing organisation. Before Enreach, she has a long tenure as HR Business Partner in Philips for global innovative businesses. In her last role she led the implementation of Agile from a people perspective through the Philips informatics businesses.

Chrysavgi Sklaveniti is an organisational psychologist, skilled at leveraging social science towards advancing people’s experiences at work & achieving operational excellence. Committed and versatile, she drives organisation transformations by responding to the diverse characteristics of multiple people, while bringing out the uniqueness and value of each one.

My name is Matthias, I'm 45 and I keep spilling or dropping things on a daily basis. I believe that personal growth is essential to our human existence. Also in the workplace and in organisations. At foryouandyourcustomers I co-create the integral leadership development program.

Oliver Brunschwiler is an ex-professional Snowboarder, a multiple entrepreneur and strategic leader. He joined FREITAG in 2014 and was fortunate to transform and grow the company in various roles. In 2021 he decided to distribute his operational roles into a leadership collective, fostering organizational progress and focusing on his mission: enabling the brand‘s potential and designing its circular business model transformation.

Anne Nynke Jansma works as an independent consultant supporting teams and companies in their self-organisation and collaboration journey. She implements different methods and tools to help teams optimize the efficiency with which they collaborate, such as Asana, GTD, OKRs and Holacracy. Over the past 7,5 years she’s experienced self-organisation in various shapes and sizes. She’s been with Springest, and Mentaal Beter to name a few and now working as Global Collaboration Expert at Greenpeace International, helping teams optimize collaboration across continents and timezones. She will be hosting a workshop to take us with her through some of the best practices and lessons learned across these various companies.

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Ich komme ursprünglich aus Brasilien und habe in den 7 Ländern, in denen ich gelebt und gearbeitet habe, viele inspirierende und interessante Menschen kennengelernt. Meine Arbeitserfahrung erstreckt sich über verschiedene Branchen wie FMCG, Pharmazeutika, Regierungsbehörden und Unternehmensdienstleistungen. Zurzeit arbeite ich bei Hoffmann-La Roche im Bereich Pharma International, wo ich die Möglichkeit habe, von großartigen Kollegen zu lernen, die unsere innovativen Behandlungen in 110 verschiedene Länder bringen.

Dominik Bolten arbeitet seit 17 Jahren bei Roche, einem multinationalen Schweizer Gesundheitsunternehmen und einem der größten Pharmaunternehmen der Welt mit mehr als 100'000 Mitarbeitern. Er ist Diplom-Ingenieur und hatte verschiedene lokale und globale Funktionen im In- und Ausland inne. Dominik ist Mitglied des Transformationsteams am Hauptsitz von Roche in Basel, wo er die Umsetzung des purpose-orientierten, selbstorganisierten Organisationsmodells innerhalb der PS Site Services Organization mit ihren 1500 Mitarbeitern vorantreibt.