
Traditional models of full-time employment are becoming obsolete as new forms of work arrangements emerge, such as freelance work, contract work, “boomerang” employees who return after gaining experience elsewhere, and various talent-sharing models between organizations. Leaders are urged to adapt and focus on “leading the work,” regardless of who performs it or where it takes place. For instance, Ion Torrent used a freelance talent platform, Topcoder, to solve a complex data issue more efficiently than with in-house staff. A large European energy company employs over 100,000 contractors for flexibility and cost-effectiveness, albeit with challenges in long-term commitment and knowledge retention. In academia, a crowdsourced game called Foldit helped tackle the complex problem of protein folding without monetary compensation.

Workplace absenteeism has reached record levels in France, with high rates among women, laborers, and in the healthcare sector. The IFOP study for Malakoff Humanis reveals that only 48% of employees believe they are in good mental and physical health. Managers are particularly affected. Employees and executives are calling for a reform of managerial practices and work organization. Psychological disorders are an increasing cause of work stoppages. The urgency is to understand the root causes and to train managers in burnout prevention.

This interview highlights key concepts of shared governance, cultural transformation, and the challenges faced during the process. Radek MATUSZEWSKI initially worked in a company that didn't align with his values, ambitions, and had weak management. Frustration grew due to a lack of cooperation between the local team and the head office, which resisted change. Seeking a change, he joined Groupe SEB Poland as General Manager.

The major trend in global management that I observed in about thirty countries while writing my book "The Next Generation Enterprise" is moving towards more participation, more autonomy, and collaboration. By this, I mean organizational governance that decentralizes authority, develops autonomy and the accompanying responsibility, transparency, and the trust that comes with it, all in service of a common mission or purpose, the essence of "doing business".

HiBob is an innovative HR platform used by more than 2500 multinationals, with interesting tools to prevent corporate crises and promote talent retention... we’ll give a brief overview of the company in this article.

Recently, a verbatim caught my attention. I present it to you as it is: "I do not perceive [this type of governance] as [specifically] beneficial for employees but for the "bad managers". Given that the "good ones" don't need it and have been using similar methods for a long time." Apart from the fact that people's happiness cannot be imposed unknowingly, I received this common-sense remark loud and clear.

In this article, we are going to introduce you to Rivulis, a company in the micro-irrigation sector that works for the ecological transition of agriculture through its activities.... a good example of tomorrow's company in our opinion, which reacts to the climate crisis.

In this article, we will present Kima, a 100% remote start-up, which decided to implement an agile management method. Its CEO Eitan also shares his vision on crises...

From January 28 to February 12, 2023, we explored Germany for the second stage of our Managerial Odyssey. During this short but intense stay, we had the opportunity to meet about ten companies as well as 3 management experts. But above all, for 4 days we participated in the “Ambiente” trade show in Frankfurt, a huge fair where more than 4500 companies from 92 countries from all over the world gathered to present their innovations for 2023.

In this article, we will introduce you to Fritz-Kola, a dynamic and creative brand with a strong identity, which possesses several assets in the face of the work engagement crisis, the covid crisis and more…

Why “real” – are there any “fake” organisational transformations? I think so. But I am aware that this is a strong value judgement. From my inspirational and consulting work, I have brought here three perspectives on “fake” transformations. I describe the situations and issues I often encounter and then share some concrete tips to address them. Since the perspectives definitely overlap, it’s worth looking at the experiences and tips of the perceived “other” perspectives as well.

In this article, we will introduce you to CPC, a consulting firm specialized in change management and agile management. In order to avoid crises born out of the implementation of changes, they propose an amazing method for their clients: a virtual company simulation...