
In an era of "fake news" and "greenwashing", and with talent scarcity becoming increasingly important to business growth and competitive differentiation, understanding the aspirations of individuals in fulfilling their mission has never been more important.

After three weeks in Norway, the first stage of our Odyssey ended on Thursday, February 17. And what a first stage it was! Meeting 16 employees, 11 enterprises and many premises in Oslo and Bergen gave us the opportunity to learn more about Norwegian management and social culture.

Over the course of three days, more than fifty speakers will take turns to shed light on the four pillars of managerial innovation. What are they? What do they consist of? Here is an overview.

Over the course of three days, more than fifty speakers will take turns to shed light on the four pillars of managerial innovation. What are they? What do they consist of? Here is an overview.

Over the course of three days, more than fifty speakers will take turns to shed light on the four pillars of managerial innovation. What are they? What do they consist of? Here is an overview.

Over the course of three days, more than fifty speakers will take turns to shed light on the four pillars of managerial innovation. What are they? What do they consist of? Here is an overview.

Management and hierarchy are not dead but the traditional way of doing things is no longer fit for purpose. Agility is key in the modern workplace.

The NextGen Enterprise Summit 2021 is taking place from the 24th to the 26th of November 2021, for a second edition. This international event, co-organized by NextGen with KPMG, OCTO Technology, Aneo, Holaspirit and BNP Paribas, focuses on managerial innovation, new forms of governance and the federation of the ecosystem and vital forces of the enterprise to fulfil its purpose. Co-authored by Luc Bretones, Philippe Pinault and Olivier Trannoy, The Next Generation Enterprise examines the wave of renewal facing traditional management around the world through 250 stories of avant-garde leaders in 30 countries. Policymakers – as in France through the PACTE law – are also joining the many private initiatives to reinvent management and re-engage employees.

The transformation of a company is based on a very strong interweaving between management, governance and technology.

Management and hierarchy are not dead but the traditional way of doing things is no longer fit for purpose. Agility is key in the modern workplace.

A complete introduction to Sociocracy and Sociocracy 3.0: key principles, key differences, pros and cons, ingredients for success, and additional ressources.

Learn how Decathlon ⛺ kickstarted their path towards shared governance 🤝, what has worked or not worked so far and what lies ahead.