
Dominik Bolten has been working at Roche, a Swiss multinational healthcare company and one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world with more than 100'000 employees for 17 years. He is a graduate engineer and has held various local and global roles in Switzerland and abroad. Dominik is a transformation team member at the Roche headquarter site in Basel where he is driving the implementation of the purpose-oriented, self-organized organizational model within the PS Site Services Organization with its 1500 people.

Jacob Watkins is an Enterprise Transformation Coach in Roche Pharma International (PI) working deeply in the ongoing transformation toward a networked learning organisation. He utilises systems thinking and living systems theory in his work and has many examples to offer from the PI experience. He joined Roche after a long career in management consultancy where he focused on large scale transformation which of course continuously highlighted the need for shared leadership and accountability in successfully scaling change.

Originally from Brazil, I gained great experience and met a lot of inspiring and interesting people in all the 7 different countries where I lived and worked. My working experience spans different industries ranging from FMCG, Pharmaceuticals, Governmental Agencies and Business Services. Currently I work in Hoffmann-La Roche in Pharma International, where I have the chance to continue learning from amazing colleagues who are bringing our innovative treatments to 110 different countries.

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No, hierarchies have not disappeared, nor have the leaders who used to be managers, nor the rules and even less the processes. I happen to participate in the strategic deliberations of the association "France Processus", and if it is true that this wording does not necessarily make one dream anymore, its subject is nevertheless at the heart of the collective performance of organizations. A recent conversation with Susanne Aebischer, the expert with whom I co-founded The NextGen Enterprise Summit, has caused me to formalize things a bit.

What if Decathlon was the anti-Kodak? If there is a social body that does not hide behind its illusions, it certainly is the one of France’s favorite brand for years! If there is a social body that does not hide behind its illusions, it certainly is the one of France’s favorite brand for years! Who better than Decathlon’s employees to understand the structural limits of a product distribution sector whose growth objectives accelerate the planetary ecological crisis every day?

To optimize your management practices, you sometimes need to take a step back... And get inspired by what is done elsewhere. With this exploratory approach, our expert in new forms of governance, Luc Bretones, takes you on a journey to the land of managerial innovation. A new stopover in Colombia, where a culture of discomfort, original rituals and the measurement of equity are turning the work landscape upside down.*

Pour optimiser ses pratiques de management, il faut parfois prendre de la distance… Et s’inspirer de ce qui se fait ailleurs. C’est avec cette approche exploratoire que notre expert en nouvelles gouvernances, Luc Bretones, vous propose un voyage sur les terres de l’innovation managériale. Nouvelle escale en Colombie, où culture de l’inconfort, rituels originaux et mesure de l’équité chamboulent le paysage du travail.

Luc Bretones explains how companies should go about resolving conflict in a productive way that ultimately benefits everyone. The founder of the NextGen Enterprise Summit sees collective decisions as the benefit of conflict.