
Stefan hat über zwei Jahrzehnte Erfahrung in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeit, Marken- und Kommunikationsstrategie. Er ist Head of Corporate Sustainability der Weleda AG und der Weleda Gruppe. Im Jahr 2009, auf dem Höhepunkt der Bankenkrise, gründete Stefan die Ambulanz für neue Kommunikation. Als Geschäftsführer berät er dort Unternehmen, NGOs und den öffentlichen Sektor an der Schnittstelle zwischen den Bereichen Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit, Identität und Marke, Kommunikation und sinnstiftende Beziehungen.

Anne Nynke Jansma works as an independent consultant supporting teams and companies in their self-organisation and collaboration journey. She implements different methods and tools to help teams optimize the efficiency with which they collaborate, such as Asana, GTD, OKRs and Holacracy. Over the past 7,5 years she’s experienced self-organisation in various shapes and sizes. She’s been with Springest, and Mentaal Beter to name a few and now working as Global Collaboration Expert at Greenpeace International, helping teams optimize collaboration across continents and timezones. She will be hosting a workshop to take us with her through some of the best practices and lessons learned across these various companies.

My name is Matthias, I'm 45 and I keep spilling or dropping things on a daily basis. I believe that personal growth is essential to our human existence. Also in the workplace and in organisations. At foryouandyourcustomers I co-create the integral leadership development program.

Anita Klaver is the CHRO of Enreach, a European company in Cloud Communication. Enreach is a scaling company with currently 1200 employees in 15 countries and head quartered in The Netherlands. Enreach is formed by around 20 acquisitions over the last 4 years, and Anita is driving the implementation of Holacracy and aligned HR practices through this growing organisation. Before Enreach, she has a long tenure as HR Business Partner in Philips for global innovative businesses. In her last role she led the implementation of Agile from a people perspective through the Philips informatics businesses.

Oliver Brunschwiler ist ein ehemaliger Profi-Snowboarder, ein mehrfacher Unternehmer und strategischer Leader. Er kam 2014 zu FREITAG und hatte das Glück, das Unternehmen in verschiedenen Rollen zu transformieren und zu entwickeln. Im Jahr 2021 entschied er sich, seine operativen Rollen in ein Führungskollektiv aufzuteilen, den organisatorischen Fortschritt zu fördern und sich auf seine Mission zu konzentrieren: das Potenzial der Marke zu aktivieren und die Transformation des zirkulären Geschäftsmodells zu gestalten.

After spending more than three weeks in Brazil, the third stage of our Odyssey ended on the 6th of April 2022. And what an adventure! Our encounters with 22 employees, 14 companies and many "Cariocas" in Rio de Janeiro and "Paulistanos" in São Paulo, helped us to understand the Brazilian managerial and societal culture.

Graduated of the HEC school (MSc, Lausanne, Innsbruck) and holder of a certificate in risk management, Christophe is committed to sustainability, participative management training and risk management. Passionate about nature, human adventures, mountains and sports, he is very active in the associative world: president of Geneva Snowsports, vice-president of Ski Romand and of the sports commission of the Loterie Romande GE, president of the IDDEA Prize and of the Fédération Romande des Consommateurs (FRC) and member of the Board of the Swiss Banking Ombudsman and of Gesundheitsforderung Schweiz. He recently became member of the Advisory Board of BLab Switzerland, which holds the BCorp certification, and is involved in the committee of Gewerbeverein, the new Swiss umbrella organization for sustainable entrepreneurship. He co-founded Loyco in 2013, a swiss service company that has grown to over 120 employees and CHF 18 million in turnover in 10 years, without a sales force or hierarchy.

Mickael Drouard is the co-Founder of Fabric, a consultancy dedicated to helping organisations making their next step towards functioning as a living organisations, with extensive experience in the Pharma industry. He is also the host of Pyramid to circles, a podcast dedicated to leaders who want to undertake a journey towards empowerment and collective intelligence.

Sabrina Schell is a research professor for human resource management in new forms of work and organization at the Institute for New Work at the Bern University of Applied Sciences. In Cologne, she is a supervisory board member at NEOMATIC AG and accompanies the company into a new organizational design. After completing her PhD on family businesses and business succession at the University of Siegen, she spent 6 years at the University of Bern at the Institute for Organization and Human Resources. Her passions are the creation of the future of work in which we work well and happily, family businesses and medium-sized companies.

Sabrina has been working as an agile organization developer in a department of Digital Rail Germany (DB Netz AG) for about 3 years. Since the beginning, she has been accompanying teams in their self-organized way of working and giving onboardings, workshops and trainings around agility and self-organization. she also deals with the topics of target setting and alignment as well as with mindfulness in the workplace.

Niels is an experienced change leader and a mixer of methodologies. He has passion for finding the right combination of tools to help (self-organising) teams and organisations. Making them more agile, creating autonomy & transparency, and just making work more fun.

Kim Claesen works as Area Manager at Partena Professional where she is the link between clients, operations and the organisation. Outside her role as Area Manager, she is actively involved in coaching employees within the organisation in the collaborative governance model, taking on the role of Business Model Coach in this regard. In this role, she supports employees in developing a strategy and objectives that contribute to achieving their goals. Thanks to both roles, Kim witnesses the effects of the implementation of collaborative governance in the day-to-day operations of the teams . In her spare time, Kim studies and practices Astrology.