
Timm ist Mitbegründer von LIVEsciences, einem radikal selbstorganisierten Unternehmen, das den Worten Taten folgen lässt. Dieser Schritt wurde durch seine Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Change Programme, Organizational Design and Execution und Beratung für große Unternehmen wie Roche Pharma und andere inspiriert. Da Agilität zum Mainstream geworden ist, sind Timm und das Team von LIVEsciences auf der Mission, das Potenzial von Menschen durch Selbstorganisation und neue Arbeitsweisen freizusetzen. Timm ist auch Mitbegründer von LIVEventures, einer Risikokapitalgesellschaft, die in die Medizinprodukteindustrie investiert und das Potenzial von Menschen auf andere Weise freisetzt.

Stefan Merckelbach, philosopher manager, founded Ordinata in 2001. Together with his business partners, he accompanies companies and institutions in their projects to develop collective intelligence and participatory corporate culture. The "participation dynamic" is his specialty, which he passes on in workshops, trainings and individual accompaniment. The Fribourg native with Dutch roots is active in Switzerland and Belgium. His philosophy studies at the Universities of Fribourg and Geneva inspired him. Since then he has become more of a practitioner than a theorist. He had the good fortune to prove himself in a technology company in the early days of the Internet, and then founded Ordinata, a multidisciplinary team that brings together expertise from very different fields under the common goal of "Cultivating community, nurture people." Stefan Merckelbach wrote 2020 A Little Red Book About Source, An Inspiring and Liberating Look at Management and Life Through "Source Principles", which has also been published in English and French.

Philosoph Manager, hat im Jahr 2001 Ordinata gegründet. Zusammen mit seinen Geschäftspartnern und Partnerinnen begleitet er Unternehmen und Institutionen bei ihren Projekten zur Entwicklung der kollektiven Intelligenz und der partizipativen Unternehmenskultur. Die “Partizipationsdynamik” ist seine Spezialität, die er in Workshops, Ausbildungen und individuellen Begleitungen weitergibt. Der Freiburger mit niederländischen Wurzeln ist in der Schweiz und in Belgien tätig. Sein Philosophiestudium an den Universitäten Freiburg und Genf hat ihn begeistert. Seitdem hat er sich mehr zum Praktiker als zum Theoretiker entwickelt. Er hatte das Glück, sich in einem Technologieunternehmen in der Frühzeit des Internets zu bewähren, und gründete dann Ordinata, ein multidisziplinäres Team, das Kompetenzen aus sehr unterschiedlichen Bereichen unter dem gemeinsamen Ziel „Gemeinschaft kultivieren, Personen fördern“ zusammenbringt. Stefan Merckelbach schrieb 2020 Ein kleines rotes Buch über die Quelle, Ein inspirierender und befreiender Blick auf das Management und das Leben durch die “Quellenprinzipien”, das auch auf Englisch und Französisch erschienen ist.

Pierre-Boris Kalitventzeff

Together with my colleagues I strive to catalyze success at the human workplace, focusing on organizational transformation, transformational capabilities and a growth mindset. With a broad experience in different industries, having worked both as an internal and an external consultant in headquarters, but also in local functions, I am currently supporting the Baloise transformation into an organization where each of us is “being quick to adapt, team up and achieve”.

Jasmine Keel, is Head of Research, Future of Work at Swiss Re, one of the world's leading providers of reinsurance and insurance. She is a high-energy and seasoned Global People, Talent & Culture Leader committed to the 3Ps of People, Planet and Profit. In her current role, she takes an evidence-based and human-centric approach to advance group-wide initiatives related to business transformation, culture change and people engagement. She is also an Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant, and designs leadership development programs for Swiss Re top 200 leaders. One of her research areas is "Leadership in Turbulent Times" to understand better what some leaders do differently that make people thrive in an environment marked by intense workplace pressure and unrelenting change. Her personal values are: Learning, Contribution, Achievement, Creativity and Zest. In her spare time, she enjoys trying out new hobbies, jogging, practicing yoga and traveling with her three children.

Timm is the co-founder of LIVEsciences, a radically self-organized company, that walks the talk. This move was inspired by his experiences working on change programmes, Organizational Design and Execution and consultancy for big corporations such as Roche Pharma, among others. As Agility has become mainstream, Timm and the team at LIVEsciences are on a mission to unleash the potential of people through Self-Organization and New Ways of Working. Timm is also the co-founder of LIVEventures, a venture capital firm investing in the Medical Devices Industry – unleashing the potential of people in another way.

Chrysa ist eine Organisationspsychologin, die in der Lage ist, die Sozialwissenschaften zu nutzen, um die Erfahrungen der Menschen bei der Arbeit zu verbessern und operative Exzellenz zu erreichen. Engagiert und vielseitig treibt sie organisatorische Transformationen voran, indem sie auf die unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften mehrerer Menschen eingeht und gleichzeitig die Einzigartigkeit und den Wert jedes Einzelnen hervorhebt.

Eduardo is a partner and consultant at Target Teal. He is a specialist in Organizational Culture and Design and has collaborated with founders, leaders and teams of people to reinvent the way they work, transforming traditional structures guided by planning and control into work systems that respond to complexity and that favor adaptation and innovation, value and psychological safety in the work environment. He is trained in production engineering from FIAP and has a postgraduate degreee in Human Sciences at PUCRS.

Ilena has been working for Roche, a Swiss multinational healthcare company and one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world with more than 100'000 employees, for 10 years. After graduating in Real Estate Management, she has worked in the role of Workplace Business Parnter for various Roche area in Basel. For more than a year she has been working in self-organized circles and is very experienced in the role of facilitator in the implementation of purpose-driven organizational models.

Former telecom engineer who spent too many years in software development and finally figured out it’s all about people! Last 4 years I have been building a coaching team in Pipedrive and coaching people and teams, concurrently giving public classes on sociocracy and holacracy. Before that spent years in mixed roles of manager, agile coach and process owner, preceded by related roles. Being a lifelong learner I have passed many psychology, coaching and psychotherapy related training and schools over the years.

Jasmine Keel, is Head of Research, Future of Work at Swiss Re, one of the world's leading providers of reinsurance and insurance. She is a high-energy and seasoned Global People, Talent & Culture Leader committed to the 3Ps of People, Planet and Profit. In her current role, she takes an evidence-based and human-centric approach to advance group-wide initiatives related to business transformation, culture change and people engagement. She is also an Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant, and designs leadership development programs for Swiss Re top 200 leaders. One of her research areas is "Leadership in Turbulent Times" to understand better what some leaders do differently that make people thrive in an environment marked by intense workplace pressure and unrelenting change. Her personal values are: Learning, Contribution, Achievement, Creativity and Zest. In her spare time, she enjoys trying out new hobbies, jogging, practicing yoga and traveling with her three children.