
Discover why working with solution-oriented people is crucial for team success. Learn how avoiding negativity and fostering a positive, problem-solving mindset can lead to higher productivity, collective creativity, and overall team performance. This article explores the importance of respect, autonomy, and a supportive work environment in building high-performing teams.

Discover how to transform your speeches into tools of positive influence with our 4 practical tips. Whether you're an experienced manager or a beginner, learn to captivate your team, prepare effectively, communicate clearly, and encourage collective participation. Inspire and motivate your team like a pro, without falling into clichés.

Promoting employees' employability ensures the company's performance and sustainability while offering job security and career prospects to the staff. To achieve this, it is crucial to focus on continuous training, adaptation to technological advancements, and the creation of internal competency networks.

Managers should prioritize transparent and participative communication to avoid tensions during controversial decisions. Involving the team in the decision-making process promotes cohesion and harmony within the group.

Job sharing allows two people to share a part-time position instead of a full-time one, promoting work-life balance and meeting modern employee expectations. While well-established in some countries, it is still new in France.

In this article, Vincent and Clémentine explain how Decathlon is evolving its business model towards a circular economy approach, providing inspiration for your ecological and social transition journey!

In 2024, managerial roles encompass far more than just team management. They now carry significant responsibilities and high expectations, often attracting sharp criticism. Is the ability to handle these pressures and confront them becoming a crucial skill for increasingly complex managerial roles?

In 2024, organizations will be based on skills, or they will not exist at all. This is essentially the belief of many leaders worldwide who see this model as a way to support societal transformation by promoting adaptability, equal opportunities, and diversity, at a time when automation and the reduction of structural unemployment necessitate the initiation of a new era in talent management.

Luc Bretones, CEO of NextGen, stated at the 2024 Salon du Management that artificial intelligence helps managers refocus on essential human tasks by automating repetitive tasks, thus transforming AI into a tool for professional emancipation.

This article outlines Gaëlle's effective strategies for managing her team remotely at Decathlon, emphasizing the importance of routine, communication tools, availability, trust, and maintaining physical interactions.

The Managerial Odyssey presents an innovative example of management, showcasing an art gallery within a healthcare center in Turin. It encourages creativity and open-mindedness among employees by breaking away from traditional work environments, highlighting the benefits of the relationship between art and management.

The article proposes an innovative method of annual review at Les Petites Cantines: evaluation is done collectively to strengthen trust and group cohesion. Members share their individual reflections, receive feedback from peers during a dedicated day, and discuss improvements during a debrief. The role of the "manager" is crucial, emphasizing listening and kindness. This approach is praised for its positive impact and originality.